Thursday, July 3, 2008


Sorry it's been a few days, yo, but it's balloon week in the Creek. For those of you who not that of which I speak, it's the 2008 Battle Creek Field of Flight Air Show and Balloon Festival, or as my editor has dubbed it: 2k8BCFFASBS. To most people, that means a long week of fun and frivolity, midway games and carnival rides, hot air balloons and the air show. For us in the newsroom, it means an even longer week of the same reporting we've done the past six billion years with new names in the stories and some new faces in the photos.

The "it's been a long week" factor is compounded for me because it's election season, which means interviews, phone calls, e-mails and almost hourly press releases from candidates clamoring for my attention. (That will end promptly, by the way, once the election is over.)

Whether it's a balloon or a politician, my life feels like it's all about hot air right now.

Now, THAT was funny!

1 comment:

Anthony said...

That was funny. Hope the air cools for you soon brother.