Monday, July 28, 2008

Weddings, elections and other random goings on

I once heard blogging compared to someone standing on a virtual street corner and yelling their personal thoughts out loud, as if anyone walking past within earshot could give a crap. Well, here I am on my virtual street corner. Just your local crazy guy yelling about God-knows-what.

This weekend, my cousin Marissa got married to this great guy, Larry, and it was a really cool wedding. It was at A Ga Ming, a golf resort in northern Michigan, and the view was incredible. The golf wasn't bad, either. Here's wishing them a happy and fruitful forever.

The primary election is Tuesday, which means I'm half-way through one of the craziest times of the four-year election cycle. November can't get here fast enough.

A quick note about hockey. For those of you who've been keeping up with my attempt to make a professional hockey team, I've lost about 20 pounds. That means I've got about 2o more to go by September. Exercise is hard, eating is not. That just doesn't seem right.

Peace and love.

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