Tuesday, June 24, 2008

B.Y.O.B. (Bring Your Own Bag)

I'm proud to say my family is almost completely plastic bag free. We have been for several months now, with my mom taking the lead quite awhile ago. We now use cloth bags for grocery shopping, with special insulated bags for hot or frozen food.

The other day, my brother sent this slide show to me, and it's made me realize just how smart the decision was to abandon plastic and how good I really feel about the change.

It took some time to get used to, and there still are some habits we have to work to break. It's a culture change, for sure, but it all starts with one person.

Thanks, Tony, for putting this out there.

1 comment:

Anthony said...

Thanks for spreading the word bro. And thanks to Megan L. who originally sent the slide show to me. And I have to say that the Meijer cloth bags, with the pockets and bottle-holder-corner-thingees are totally awesome once you get used to them.